Sunday, August 9, 2009

Skinhorse Truth: Lengthy Trials

Sometimes, our lengthy trial is made lengthy for a particular purpose. It may be that we are not prepared to receive the blessing we would design for ourselves. It may be that we are to experience apparent separation or other "enmity" between God and ourselves, that we might better understand and help another who truly is separated from God. Or, it may be that we are to go where the Lord has gone, touching but the edges of his imprint, that we might embrace him in fullness when, alas, we arrive where he is.
- Jacqueline J. Hancock

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love that! I can't believe I was once sending you quotes and you come up with something like that all on your own! We keep saying we need to have you over, we're missing you! This is from me...Kami, I just can't figure out how to leave a comment except to have it be anonymous... I need some training on leaving comments. :)