Friday, December 4, 2009

Skinhorse Music

Some of you may have noticed that a few blogs these days no longer allow YouTube embeds to play, nor for music links to function.  Unless and until I learn of a solution to this problem, I thought I would extend an invitation to any persons still interested in hearing my little collection of music (42 songs currently) to just send me a note.

While this menagerie of music resonates with messages that have brought me and others hope; or an extra measure of love; or which just may simply emotionally capture some of the more poignant, unspeakable yearnings of the heart--the blend is not enjoyable to everyone, and might even be annoying to some.  Still, if there are any who would like a link to the music, let me know.  Either send me your your email address in a note, or leave it in a post.  I will email the invitation from  That's the only way the music can be shared at this time.

And for those of you who are wondering . . . I'm still working on drafting other possible postings.  It has just been a tough year.  My silence reflects some of this.


Jill said...

I'm sorry it's been such a rough year, and I totally understand how healing and theraputic silence can be.

My playlist is still working on my blog, is it only new playlists that are having problems?

Anyway, I love you. Thanks for all you do and who you are.

Anonymous said...

I wondered where your music went. I loved your choices and would often just come to your page and let the music flow. Because of this, I have since discovered Addison Road and bought the CD. So, thanks for the tunes and your insights. :)

Skinhorse said...

Thanks to some side conversations with Jill, I have discovered part of the issue has something to do with Internet Explorer, since I can see and play everything fine in Firefox. Via a blog forum, I discovered another user has been having the same problems as me for some months now, so I know it is not an isolated thing. If others are experiencing the issue, adding Firefox as a browser may assist.

Since this first posting, I replaced my music and a YouTube embed, which I had inadvertently deleted in the process of trying to fix things some time ago. Hopefully, those who wish to enjoy both may continue to do so now.

As for Addison Road's "HOPE NOW"...that is actually one of my ringtones, which I often use as an alarm tone. It is really nice to wake up to.